I have realized that housework is a lot like eating dinner. If you eat all the favorite/easy stuff first you have no energy/room for the rest...and it goes undone, day after day.
Monday, August 15, 2011
I have realized that housework is a lot like eating dinner. If you eat all the favorite/easy stuff first you have no energy/room for the rest...and it goes undone, day after day.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
No matter how hard I try, I cannot convince him the names of objects he has already taught himself.
Any bike: a purple bike (because Brenna has a purple bike)
Any bear: a gummy bear
Any drink other than milk (juice, soda...): chocolate milk
Pants: panties (yikes!!! we work on this one a lot)
Gum: welcome
...the list goes on. I will add on as they come to memory.
Last March for Brenna's birthday we bought her a purple bike. She had begged for a bike for a whole year before we gave in. After 2 hours, the fascination wore off and she would not ride it...and especially NOT with pedals. This whole time she has been riding the brother's skuut and completely stubborn about her purple bike, even up to last week.
Brenna: No, I don't want to ride my purple bike with pedals. (as tears pour down her face)
Mom and Dad: Why not?!!? Tucker (her best buddy) LOVES his bike with pedals and goes REAL fast.
Brenna: ??? (deep in thought)
The NEXT day she hops on her purple bike and begins to ride all by herself like a pro!!! She definitely takes after her Dad and does things on HER own time.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The cousins of my children are all boys. They seemed born with an instant knowledge of trucks and motorcycles and their sounds. My boys are a little behind.
Jackson was playing with a motorcycle and I said, "jump it Jackson". He began to jump it, "jump, jump, jump" as he did. Shane freaked out. "No, no, no! This is the sound when a motorcyle jumps, "Ni..ni.niiiiiiiii"
Shane has now been shopping for trucks, trailers and motorcycles to play with the boys.

As a mother the ONLY way you survive is by tuning out some of the time. Shane frequently says, "Clarissa, will you answer Brenna. She has been asking you a question for the last five minutes."
When Brenna asks for something and I do not answer, sometimes Shane will answer. Her reply is, "No dad I was talking to mom." mainly because she does not like the answer he gave...which is usually "no". If I then answer and it is also a "No", she says, "No mom I was talking to myself" or "I was talking to Cynthia (my unborn baby)".
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