Friday, May 25, 2012


Oh the thoughts I have to entertain myself while I run. I am quite hilarious. ;)

Just because it is sunny in Oregon does not mean it is safe to run in a white shirt. It can rain without notice. 

After a car passes and they tap on the it because they are slowing does because I am cute...or because they are wondering if at any moment I will collapse with exhaustion.

Dear 55-65 year-old man running my route of rolling hills, I will catch you tomorrow.

I used to love the challenge of a hill but now I use them as an excuse to cool down.

If a "biggest loser" can do it...the little strong me can do it.

Sunny days make me hate the treadmill.

Walking is harder than running slow.

I judge the difficulty of my run by the redness of the blotches on my arms.

I get an adrenaline rush whenever I pass someone.

What is the point of running the trail through the neighborhood, if no one at the park to see me and give me a pat on the back on Sunday?


Except the house is amazing and my hair is in a bun and I have stretchy pants on. ;)