Thursday, October 15, 2009


Mother 3 children under 20 months old. And they are all still alive and well nourished.

Able to maintain a picked up home... the majority of the day.

Run or workout 3 mornings a week.

Complete crafty projects.

Am a "hot mama" by the time my husband comes home from work each day.

Make it in and out of stores, with 3 children, whole.

Spend "mommy time" with Brenna each day.

Great nurse at least 4 nights a month.

"Rational" 3 weeks out of the month, still working on that darn PMS week.

Going on a year of pumping 8 times a day.

**Sometimes I need to pat myself on my back...and those that help me out. Of course there is still a list of "to do's"...FHE, journaling, better scripture study, temple attendance...I am working on it***

1 comment:

  1. OK...serioualy! You are the most amazing mom ever. I am so glad to know you and learn from you. You are a kindred spirit.
    ...and you have inspired me to put on a bra before Kent gets home.
    Love you.
