Thursday, May 19, 2011


We joke that it is a girl. Since we first found out I was pregnant I named it, Cynthia. Now it is Cynthia Louise and nicknamed Cindy Lou. It is natural that we would want a girl next, but if it is a boy, we will be so happy.

Last time we had a girl, we named Brenna within minutes. With boys names it took us months and months and then daily pressure in the hospital. We named them 4 or 5 days after they were born. We have no ideas yet.

1 comment:

  1. Shane joked that we should have named Brooke, whose first name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Louise so we could call her Liza Lou - my FAVORITE childhood story book!! If you wanted to take Elizabeth Louise I wouldnt mind as I already have an Elizabeth AND no prospects of a baby girl on the way! (Dawn)
