After having hair down to my butt most of my life, I do not know what I want or how much work a hair cut will take. I have always said, "Just give me a 'hot mama' hair cut. Everytime it does not hit the spot. I guess I needed to go to someone who knew me. I trusted Kimber (my sister-in-laws sister) to do it. I also realized that if it was long enough to put in a pony tail then it will always be in a pony tail.
It came out great. It is short, especally to me. I love it. I finally feel like the hot mama I have been searching for after twins. I have to spend alot more time getting put together, but it is so worth it.
ReplyDeleteI love the haircut and now I can see what my "natural" hair color is after all these years!
It's pretty.