The first day she had 2 mistakes and then went down for nap. She woke up dry, so I put my trantrumous 2 year old on the potty right after her nap. I thought that she would definitely have to go after a 2 hour nap. No success. I spent the next 3 hours reading books, watching a movie, coloring, and anything else I could invent, with her sitting on the potty. We have a few portable potties that she is comfortable sitting on.Then it happened. She went. We danced. We cheered. I praised with no end. Then I could not get her off the potty. She wanted to do it again. We went to the store and got her some "lollies".
It has been a week, with a few days off at times. I put a diaper on her at grandma Karen's house and at stores. When she is at home she is naked except for a shirt. She will leave the room that I am in and go potty in the other room, but she will not go on command, or tell me that she needs to go. Since she is two the answer to every question is "no". So I have a hard time determining when to take her to the potty if we are out. that is the next step. I am not interested in leaving puddles all over other peoples houses.
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