I have noticed that alot of mothers comment, when they complain about motherhood, that they are just preaching to the chior when I am around. I admit sometimes I do reminisce and my scewed memories are that raising Brenna was a breeze. Just like how you forget the discomfort of pregnancy and pain of childbirth. But...one is hard too.
Twins with a 20 month old has been consistently hard for me. On a scale of 1-10, it is a constant 5. It is because when it gets any harder than I can handle, I have 1 or 2 people helping me. Someone having twins asked Shane what the hardest stage of twins was, and he told them, "by far the first few months". I stood there is disbelief. Until I realized that I do not need his help like I used to and he gets "free, fun time", which he did not in the beginning. As for me it is consistent work.
Also, when watching my experience with the twins and Ashley with her baby a few months younger...I have to sacrifice in alot of areas. I do not breast feed. I pump and bottle feed. My boys do not get held all the time...actually only mainly when more family is around...which is frequent. Brenna misses out on alot more attention that she might have gotten with only one...we are working on this. I am not super mom, I am super keeper-upper. That is the main reason I work less is to be a more proactive mom and not just one trying to survive. I want to be with, teach and raise my children.
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