Pre-twins I was a devoted cook. I loved seeking out new recipes and cooking for everyone. Post-twins...I dare admit that it is not so. Cooking is DANGEROUS! I usually have Brenna on the counter and two boys around my feet. I also do not get to the grocery store often, or get time at the computer, so I never have the ingredients for new recipes. I have been cooking the same-old-things for 2 years- at least. Not to mention the clean up afterwards while I have neglected children screaming at this point. It is no longer joyful.
But...for Christmas I got a pressure cooker. I find it intimidating and forgein so I have put off using it. But after Karen made beans in 12 minutes and AShley made a pot roast in record time...I tried mine out. I made Texican Chili, which usually sits in a slow cooker for at least 4 hours... in FIVE MINUTES.
I am saved. A pressure cooker + baby gate + new movie for the children and I should be back in business.
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