I pride myself on my self control with my children. I have been a loving patient mom...the majority of the time. But Brenna hit a new stage...and it is hard. She turns 3 in March...why the terrible twos now. I usually can breathe and figure out a way through it, or Shane (the natural) has excellent advice. She is testing the limits something fierce. It mainly manifests itself in "screaming" at bed time...but today it was the first naptime tantrum. Shanes advice is "let her scream"...but after 15 minutes it is unbearable. Whenever I give in and open the door...it stops instantly and her little sweet voice requests one more thing.
Please, please, please end soon. Or HF please teach me what to do so that I am ready when it comes at me in doubles.
One of the other reasons that I fight off the baby hunger.
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