For about a year I have been terrified that I need a food storage. I guess it all began when Shane was going to flight school, I was the breadwinner, and I was put on bedrest suddenly. We were instantly POOR. Somehow I was previously inspired to pay out our mortgage 6 months in advance, so we did survive with minimal help. But I realized that in just a few weeks our cupboards were BARE. It was shocking how fast it happened. Since then we have a 3-6month supply of the foods that we eat all the time, taking up the majority of my closet. I feel semi-content that we will survive if something else surprises us unexpectedly...but what if it is worse then just a lost job.
I know that anxiety and fear is not of the spirit but I am working on my faith in this area. In the meantime we are bulking up on longterm food storage. I spent 1600.00 on what I felt was edible essentials, but I have so far to go. The majority was Freeze dried meats, beacause I am not a canner and am not sure whow else to store meat.
Then Wendy Dewitt, a professional food storager, came to our stake and got my extended family gung ho. She is on Youtube and a genius. My mother-in-law got a can vaccum sealer, wheat grinder, and other essentials and we are doing it!
That is awesome! I need to work on food storage. I always try to pick up a few extra things at the store but in a two bedroom apartment and a baby coming soon we just don't have much room! But this year my goal is to can fruit and/or veggies (and of course increase the supply of other items too). Maybe we can get together for a day and do some.