Brenna has hit a new stage. She is becoming a thinker. She has begun asking deep questions.
A little back ground...There is a black CNA at work that says whatever she likes. She came to me one day and said, "Oh you are pregnant!?! I was wondering because I noticed that your butt is getting HUGE!!!" She then went on for 15 minutes about it in front of everyone. It is a curse of my pregnancy with girls. I now just embrace it.
Anyway Brenna asked me: Mom how is Cynthia going to get out of your belly?
Me: (Simply) Through my bumbum. (I suppose I could have showed he my scar from past c sections but not all babies come out that way)
Brenna: Yuck. Sticking her tongue out.
A few momments later...
Brenna: Mom is you butt getting bigger because Cynthia is ready to come out?