Since birth I have dressed Jackson in the outfit with blue and Landon is anything else. It turned out to be an easy way to tell the brothers apart. Landon has been just fine in any other color until about two weeks ago. He has decided that HIS color is red. I have also realized how particular he can be.
He will only wear his red jacket.
His shirt has to have red somewhere in it.
He wants to eat out of the red bowl at meals.
We were trying to play UNO and if he had a blue card in his hand he would stop the game because, "No, this is Jackson's card".
I picked him up from nursery at church and he had a mask with Jackson's name written on it. They said Landon's was originally blue but they had to switch because he quickly made it clear that blue is for Jackson.
When he water paints, he only uses the red out of ALL the colors in the paint set.
Anything yellow pink or purple is Brenna's in his mind, which also causes trouble. Part of me feels that he just needs things that are his instead of sharing all with Jackson, but I am not sure how safe it is encouraging the fixation on red, or OCDs. What a silly kid.
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