I found a book that reminds me of this point in my life with Brenna.
This is Biscuit (Brenna).
Biscuit is small (big).
Biscuit is yellow (knows how to manipulate her mom).
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!(Whaa! Whaa!)
Biscuit wants to play.
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants a snack (slice of cheese).
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants to a drink.
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants to hear a story (then another...then another...).
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants her blanket.
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants her doll (she doesnt play with dolls but each night it is something different).
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants a hug.
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants a kiss.
Time for bed Biscuit!!
Woof! Woof!
Biscuit wants the light on (light off).
Biscuit wants to be tucked in (the blanket on her head).
Biscuit wants one more kiss (a "big" one).
Biscuit wants one more hug (a "big" one).
Biscuit wants to curl up (in mamas bed, and if not then she will sneak in later in the night anyway)!
Sleepy puppy.
Goodnight Biscuit.
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