Brenna is at the stage of repeating herself, until she gets my attention, or what she wants...and at times it is unbearable. So I will focus on things that I love to do with Brenna.
She is old enough to play games with me. We got candyland for Christmas but she is the master of memory. She also likes slap jack.
I LOVE baths, so Brenna and I take one together everday.
My nickname from my dad was Kissy...he said it was because I would never give him a kiss. I have been trying to teach Brennna to be more affectionate and "soft", and she is alot better but at times I have to trick her. For example, to get a kiss I say "On the cheek...on the cheek" and when she tries I turn my head, so that she gives me one right on the lips.
She loves to help me cook. I have an egg separater that looks like a nose and the egg whites come out the nostrils. It is discusting. We love it.
She can finally sit through books and she wants to read for hours.
Before bed she gets her "soft" time with mama. We read a book or just rock in the rocking chair and snuggle. She holds me for a long time because she knows if she wiggles then it is bedtime.
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