I am often asked what advice I have to a future mother of twins. Here it is...
...Do not try to do everything. Some things HAVE to go by the wayside.
...Do not letting crying stress you out. You are only one person. Do one thing at a time.
...Play...play...play. If you TRY to accomplish something you will get frustrated when you find that you have 2 babies begging for attention. Just play and put the rest off until they are occupied or asleep. If they want your attention, give them 5 minutes and then they will be fine and you can get back to what you were doing.
...Get used to the indoors. Do not get upset when you cannot go somewhere. Get used to it. Staying home is way easier.
...Do not mess with nap time. Make it strict and fixed times.
...Pay for a babysitter to run errands. It is so worth the money.
...You never get a moments peace. Do not even except it, then you will not be disappointed.
...If you do get the oppritunity for a break...take it fully. Put the babies out of your mind and linger, browse, ponder...savor it.
...Accept ANY help.
...Ask if you need it. They will say no or take a long pause if they cannot.
Life is blessed and good. Figure it out, instead of getting frustrated. This stage will pass.
P.S. If it smells like it is poopy but when you change it there is nothing...just give it 5 minutes...it will come.
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