Confessions of a Pregnant mother of a girl plus twin boys. Disclaimer: some entries may be disturbing.
I was always SHOCKED to hop into a mother's car that had trash, food, and toys all over the place... I am one of those mothers.
Besides my car, I am still a freak about my house and will work until I am vomiting if I know that someone might be coming over. I am more relaxed on regular days...not by choice but lack of energy.
I LOVE going to work. I LOVE a little piece of freedom and friends. Yet also fully believe I would be a better mom if I were not exhausted 2 days a week.
My belly is popping out far sooner than it is supposed to. Sometimes I have to wear a squeezer.
My children are a mess, especially when eating.
About once a week the boys go to bed with milk.
Brenna watches cartoons while I take a nap with the brothers. Sometimes we sleep for 3 hours. That is a lot of cartoons.
I cook dinner maybe once a month. Otherwise it is cereal.
If the clothes they have on are soft enough...they wear them as jammies.
I drive out of my way to go to Taco Bell for a bean burrito when I have the craving.
Fully believed that this pregnancy was RUINING my life...but at 13 weeks I can feel that the awful part is waning.
Extra fearful that this unborn baby will not be prefect. I hope God knows that twins was trial enough for one mama.
Cannot eat sweets. One gummy bear can make me sick for the rest of the day...yet I feel that I am gaining weight faster than I should. Not fair.
I'm still trying to figure out what it is that compels women to have more than one baby... because once you've been through pregnancy once, it doesn't make sense to go through it again. Must because those babies are so darn cute. :)
ReplyDeleteThere was a wise and kind woman who is in your Ward but I don't remember her name.. I was disheartened one day when she was there (probably my visiting teacher) because the house was a mess and I was hardly able to keep on top of it. She smiled. She had the warmest smile I have ever seen. She said, "this is just a season you are in and it will pass. One day the house will stay clean and the hand prints will not go up on the wall again." She was right. It didn't make it 100 times easier to endure not being perfect at running the house and mothering children but, it did help a little and she was right. I am in a different season now and it is nice. And I earned it. =) Dawn