As a mother you quickly learn to distinguish between cries. There are the serious ones and the whinny ones; the tired ones and the help me ones. Landon has learned the difference and is using it to his advantage.
Gma Karen was over and I put the brothers down for a nap. Landon began a blood curdling cry shortly after he was put to bed. Karen as a mother-in-law never butts in on my territory but as a gma she softly said, "shouldn't you check on him". I ran upstairs and burst into the room. Landon was still screaming but looked fine as he sat with a picture book in his lap. "Landon what is wrong?" and in a happy Landon voice replied, "look mom...a ball!", as he pointed to one of the pictures.
I left the room and later the same cry began. Fool me once, shame on me...but fool me twice is just embarrassing. Now I let him cry it out. I know that someday I am going to go in and find him with a limb stuck or something serious and I did not check on him.
Unfortunately, kids don't realize that only works once. Because, like you said, you start to ignore all blood curdling screams when you learn that it may only mean someone is "touching their stuff." :) Gotta love the screamers!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Wise guy. It's amazing how quickly they catch on to things!