Thursday, August 9, 2012


Potty training...potty training...and more potty training. Twin boys are no picnic in the potty department. It has been about 6 months and still their is no guarantee that they have it down. Peepees eventually worked out after a few months but if they are playing and distracted they still wet their pants. But by far the worse challenge has been pooping. No they are no constipated, or holding it in...instead they poop in their pants anytime or anyplace.

We tried everything!!! Rewards. Patience. Time out. Spankings (yep, we were getting desperate). Shane even heard a rumor that someone in the ward got their child to poop by offering the reward of calling "Go Diego GO" on the phone. So he did. Josh pretended and Jackson thought it was AMAZING but pooped his pants the next day :(.

Finally after wearing only long shirts we discovered that if they don't have underwear on they don't poop. They hold it in. So 3 times a day we sat them down to poop on the toilet. After screaming and tears it would come out and then we would call grandma, have treats, and do a potty dance.

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