I have been working on teaching Brenna her colors. It is not quite sinking in...
Plan A: We were at Home Depot looking at paint chips and they had some shaped like Mickey Mouse... I grabbed a few colors and used them as flash cards for Brenna.
Result: Pink was not a color that I grabbed but whenever I asked her what a color was it was "pink"..."blue"..."pink".
Plan B: M&Ms. I put them in my hand and then asked her to pick out the color I asked. She showed promising potential...until she learned that if she just pointed at each M&M one at a time she would eventually get to the right one.
Next, if she did not pick the right M&M, I would eat it.
Result: She realized that somehow she would get M&Ms no matter what so did not focus on learning.
Plan C: Color video from the library. She is intent and does not take her eyes off the video. She repeats it when they say the color...0but if they are silent and dont say the color...she says "pink".
Result: "Brenna, what color is this ball?". "Ummmm, pink". "No, this ball is green". "Oh, green". "Brenna, what color is the ball?" "Pink...blue...pink"
***Realization that she is smarter than she leads on. I was putting her down for a nap on a bed full of laundry, she grabbed a pair of multicolored panties and said pointing to pink, "Look it mom. Pink". I went on to ask her to point to various colors and she pointed to each correctly. Later that night I asked her what color something was and she said "pink...blue...pink". I then asked her to point to something purple and she did it.***