Vacuum and sweep: Landon has eagle eyes and can spot every little speck on the carpet. The twins always have hair in their fingers from the floor.
Toliets: Landons favorite place to climb up. Brenna is potty trained...need I say more.
Dishes: Once...twice...three times a day.
Dinner: No longer gourmet. Fast and easy is my motto.
Laundry: Refuse to do more than once a week. It takes me one day to wash it and the next to fold and put away.
Restock diaper bag: With twins it only holds a days supply.
Pick up toys: Once...twice...ten times a day.
Beauty: hygiene and beauty squeeze in somewhere before Shane gets home.
Cloth the kids: Once...twice...three times per day.
Shane often asks me what I do all day...sarcastic of course...but I am very sensitive about it.
My house is picked up and organized but not clean. I have a hard time finding the time or energy to scrub the shower or mop the floors. Unless it looks infectious.
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