When I feed Jackson, he talks the whole time. He barely even swallows before the next bite. But if he sees I am not giving him another bite fast enough he cries, whether his mouth is still full or not.
Landon thinks he is a big boy now that he crawls and he follows Brenna and Tucker around everywhere. Jackson is too boring, because he doesnt get around as well yet.
Jackson can pull himself from room to room but cries the whole time he is doing it.
Landon cries to be picked up, but once up swirms to get down.
Brenna has to sleep with a blanket over her head. It freaks me out after what happened with Landon. If she naps on my bed she has to be under the comforter no matter how hot. I sneak in when she is asleep and take it off.
Landon will not sit still long enough to eat. when he is eating baby food it ends up everywhere. When he is drinking a bottle he carries it around in his mouth and drinks it when he stops.
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