Shane and I were convinced that he was not getting a birthday present this year. The last few expensive things that he bought, were agreed upon only because with his puppy eyes said, "this can be my birthday present". This is a trick that he plays on the ever year. Some years I stick to my guns and do not give him anything ON his birthday. This year we were both convinced that he DEFINITELY would not get a gift.
Two days before his birthday I gave in. I got him a present but made the mistake of letting Brenna help me wrap it. We had a very lengthy conversation not to tell daddy. "It was a surprise". Well as soon as he walked in the door from work we started a conversation realized a few minutes later that Brenna was trying to butt in with something very important. Shane had not idea what her gibberish meant but as soon as I realized I took her out of the room and we had another conversation. She seemed to understand but as soon as we came back to Shane, I heard her once again. This time he knew what she was saying. BUMMER. At least he doesn't know what it is.
LOL! Kids are no good with secrets!