To say the LEAST. Having 3 babies I am a GERM FREAK whenever one gets sick, so that not only I, but all the others do not get sick at the same time. "It can not be that bad!?", is what I hear you saying in your mind. Well Let me paint you a picture and then you judge for yourself.
Last week Landon started showing signs of the FLU - YIKES!!! I did not want three kids with the flu so...
Landon got 2-3 baths per day. Mainly because he had snot everywhere and intermittent vomit. Also somewhere in my childhood I learned that taking a bath when you are sick makes everything better. A practice that I use on a daily basis but ramp up to extreme when I am sick.
When I held Landon I wore a robe. He would rub his nose or cough into it. Then if Jackson or Brenna needed something I would remove the robe, wash my hands and take care of them.
I wash my hands after touching ANY child, or surface. I do not touch my face or ears.
I do 2 loads of wash a day.
I keep all spoons and sippies, bottles labeled and designated to the child.
I sterlize/boil all things touched, at least twice per day.
After all this you may think that the other 2 are safe from catching what Landon had. No. Jackson of course got a hold of Landons bottle and had a fever a few hours later. And Brenna loved to take all toys that Landon was playing with, right out of his snotty hands.
I did save my self though. I ate a RAW clove of garlic everyday, and took an abundance of vitamin D pills as well as sunshine -when available. I also put hydrogen peroxide in my ears for 10 minutes daily. I came out with a mild headache and runny nose.
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