The kids love to play outside. I love for them to play outside their a few reasons why we dont do it.
There is a steep downward slope directly outside our back door. The brothers just fall down it constantly.
Our backyard is also the neighborhoods favorite place to let their dogs roam. And they do not pick up after themselves. Which leads to another funny story. It drives Shane insane that dog poop is all over our grass so...he made a nice pile and swore that if he found out who it was...he would leave it on their doorstep. Well. Brenna found it first. We did not notice that she found it until we went to get her out of the car and she had wiped her poopy dog feet all over the back of the drivers side seat.
There are stairs leading to the neighbors house right around the corner and the brothers cannot get enough of them. They are not trustworthy on the stairs yet. Also the landing and stairs are concrete and I know if they fell there would be blood and lots of it.
So...I got a "sand"box on craigslist. I did not want to fill it with sand because of cats, and the mess that it would make. So it is full of pea sized gravel and it has a lid. They LOVE it. On sunny days, they spend all day outside.
Brenna plays good in it but Landon is constantly throwing the rocks out, and Jackson tries to eat them.
Also there have been more and more cats coming around. It does have a lid, thank goodness.
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