For the first year and a half he drank out of a bottle because I was still pumping. When I tried to transition to a sippy cup it was a battle. There were tears and throwing of sippy cups. I taught him how to love the new one by leaving in his bed full of water (hence the buck teeth). When I was not looking he would try it. Finally he gave in and the bottles were gone. But he would only drink out of the nuby sippy cups with the soft spout.
The brothers starting chewing through the soft spouts. We transitioned to the cheap sippy cups that you see everywhere. They quickly learned it was fun to chew on those and squish the nippy shut.
I bought hard spouted sippy cups. Landon would not have it. I had to go through the whole battle again. He did eventually give in. I have 4 of those now and threw all the other ones away.
Yet the battle with Landon continues. Since they are all the same, I thought it would be easy...but Landon has decided that the yellow one is his and I get an earful if I accidentally hand him the wrong one.
This is one silly kid.
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