Over the weekend we spent time with a old friend and his wife. They have been married for 5 years and are just beginning to think about starting a family. The wife said that she has a lot of friends who married and had children right away and they have really struggled...she did not want to do that. This theory sounds very enciting.
I waited a year after marriage to begin a family. I am soo glad I had that year with Shane to learn and grow together. For the most part having children was barely a struggle when it was ONLY Brenna.
I would be lying if I said that adding twins to the mix was a cakewalk. It has been rough...but amazing and fun and brought SOOOOOO much joy to my life. Yes, there are days that I want/need a break. That the crying and constant needs are exhausting but I ADORE spending time at home with my children. We play all day and laugh and snuggle and love. It is GREAT. So great that I constantly hunger for more children.