Monday, April 19, 2010


How did I become an Dr. Pepper addict? I have never been a soda drinker. I enjoyed it every once and a while, but never bought it just to have in my house and use daily. It all got worse once I had the twins. I started drinking one can of soda a day. It has now almost been 18 months and the habit continues. I have a husband that shares my belief that it is poison. Every time I open a can I cannot help but think that I am going to lose my kidneys or get cancer. But I cannot help it. I have tried to quit several times and find that rationalization wins over logic and self control.

My rationalizations are...

I have three babies and run on no sleep.

I am nicer mom once I get an energy boost.

4 hours of sleep after up for 24 hours of work (mommy and nurse) is not enough to run on without help.

But I have also realized that I cannot reach my weight loss goals on it. It makes me hungry, munchy, drink less water and generally feel lousy and unhealthy. I am in the process of quiting, but my only hang up is night shift and post shift.

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