In order to SURVIVE, my babies have learned how to use their lungs as their defense. It has gotten bad. Most days I feel like it is constant screaming at my house.
They scream...
When the other one gets close.
If a toy is taken from them.
For mama to pick them up.
If they are frustrated because they cant do something they want- because they are too small and not capable.
And just for fun, smiling as they do it.
Brenna has learned that this works well also. They all create reason to scream. For example...Landon has begun stealing Jacksons blankie. They play tug of war and squeal loudly. If I give them another of the SAME blankie, they toss it to the side and continue tug of war with the original one.
I am training them. They get a flick on the hand if they scream. I do not see any progression yet. Hopefully they learn soon or else my finger will get sore.
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