There are a few men at work that Shane knows as the "Doom and Gloomers". They have provided me motivation towards completing my food supply and essentials, which I think is a healthy endeavor. Lately work has been slow and I had more time to sit down and talk with them. The next few days I was scared, feeling unprepared and worried about the future of my children. I have heard many times that I need not worry but need to be faithful.
I do confess I severely lack in the faith category. Faith takes works and I have not been working for it in a long time. But after being sick to my stomach for a few days I realized that no where in the last Ensign is there a word of preparation or "doom and gloom". The message is as it has always been; come closer to Christ.
I also remembered the account of a mission during a last earthquake. They were prepared ahead of time due to a dream that the mission president had. The righteous will be warned and taken care of if they are faithful.
I still do believe that we have to do our part preparing. It is a commandment, but I will begin focusing on being closer to the spirit and listening to the words of the prophets for direction and not the "doom and gloomers".
But I do recommend, along with President Benson, "None Dare to Call it Conspiracy" or Youtube "Benson Conspiracy".
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
It really would be very inconvenient to be pregnant right now. Yet, I do jump to conclusions whenever I am a little late with my period. Ever since the twins my cycle is not as regular as it has always been.
We have just decided to sell our house.
I was going to sign up for short-term leave insurance in November to give me a little cash while I am on maternity leave next time.
Shane is switching jobs, hopefully, and our world will be flipped upside down for the next few months.
I am finally regaining some "alone" time and some freedom from babies.
I am sure that all of the people at work will give me the look like I am over populating the world and increasing carbon and global warming.
I also just ran my tushy off (literally) and do not want it back any time soon.
Yet...I cannot deny that I am a little crazy and get jealous whenever I see a pregnant woman or a little baby. It just might be welcome if I am.
***Right when I ever really get nervous about is revealed I am not pregnant. Sorry to get you all excited.
We have just decided to sell our house.
I was going to sign up for short-term leave insurance in November to give me a little cash while I am on maternity leave next time.
Shane is switching jobs, hopefully, and our world will be flipped upside down for the next few months.
I am finally regaining some "alone" time and some freedom from babies.
I am sure that all of the people at work will give me the look like I am over populating the world and increasing carbon and global warming.
I also just ran my tushy off (literally) and do not want it back any time soon.
Yet...I cannot deny that I am a little crazy and get jealous whenever I see a pregnant woman or a little baby. It just might be welcome if I am.
***Right when I ever really get nervous about is revealed I am not pregnant. Sorry to get you all excited.
The latest curve ball that the brothers have thrown my way is a new fascination with the door handles in the car. I realized this the other day when Brenna was telling me something from the back seat over and over. I could not figure out what she was saying until we parked and I saw that Landon's door was now wide open. Now I have to lock them in until we get somewhere then I have to reach through the front doors on each side to unlock them, because my car is old and has no automatic locks.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brenna has the craziest curly hair. It is wild and untamed. When I was a young adult dreaming of my children, I always pictured my girl with hair done it bows. By the time Brenna got hair (at about 2 1/2 years old) she was old enough to pull out the ribbons as soon as I turned my back.
It is possible that she got it from me. I have some wave to my hair, but no where near perfect ringlets like hers. I joke that she got it from the mailman. It is the most amazing after a nap on a hot day. She gets just enough sweaty to make her curls really curl.
I feel that my kids play well most of the time most days but sometimes it gets to a point where I feel I am playing referee at a hockey game, but as soon as I break them up, they play nicely for a moment and then get right back into it.
It can usually be remedied by giving them food, or a nap, but other times I am completely lost. I can only distract so many times in the day before I run out of options and am near the breaking point myself.
Also, the times when they all want their mama at once is very difficult. Yesterday I was sitting watching a movie with the kids. Landon on my lap, Jackson underneath one arm and Brenna holding my other hand. Most of the time they are all three clawing at my legs trying to get on my lap. I try to be enough mama but...I am outnumbered.
Thank goodness all days are not bad. I would say 26 days out of a month are GREAT. I think that I have guardian angels bearing me up. That paired with the real angels continually offering help make life easy and wonderful.
It can usually be remedied by giving them food, or a nap, but other times I am completely lost. I can only distract so many times in the day before I run out of options and am near the breaking point myself.
Also, the times when they all want their mama at once is very difficult. Yesterday I was sitting watching a movie with the kids. Landon on my lap, Jackson underneath one arm and Brenna holding my other hand. Most of the time they are all three clawing at my legs trying to get on my lap. I try to be enough mama but...I am outnumbered.
Thank goodness all days are not bad. I would say 26 days out of a month are GREAT. I think that I have guardian angels bearing me up. That paired with the real angels continually offering help make life easy and wonderful.
Our humble little home is being put up for sale. I have mixed feelings.
I LOVE my home. I love the area/neighborhood. I love the ward and the Bishop (Papa). The quarters are close and we have to be creative with our decorating to hide storage but it is totally doable. We can walk to two parks. We are close enough to our babysitter (Karen, thanks!!!). It is decorated to my liking, within budget. There is limited parking and no room for guests but no one comes over anyway.
I would probably live here forever but there are a few things that we need to consider. I am very "doom and gloom" and do not imagine that the economy will bounce back soon. In fact...I think it will get way worse. I can survive happily with our family of five in the close quarters for now but not forever. There is NO room for any additional packages from the stork. I am afraid that in a few years, when we NEED to sell, we will take a great hit in order to sell.
We have decided to get out now. Take the hit, sell it and rent a bigger place. I am hoping that no more is required...but it might be if we do not do it soon.
I LOVE my home. I love the area/neighborhood. I love the ward and the Bishop (Papa). The quarters are close and we have to be creative with our decorating to hide storage but it is totally doable. We can walk to two parks. We are close enough to our babysitter (Karen, thanks!!!). It is decorated to my liking, within budget. There is limited parking and no room for guests but no one comes over anyway.
I would probably live here forever but there are a few things that we need to consider. I am very "doom and gloom" and do not imagine that the economy will bounce back soon. In fact...I think it will get way worse. I can survive happily with our family of five in the close quarters for now but not forever. There is NO room for any additional packages from the stork. I am afraid that in a few years, when we NEED to sell, we will take a great hit in order to sell.
We have decided to get out now. Take the hit, sell it and rent a bigger place. I am hoping that no more is required...but it might be if we do not do it soon.
The days when I would squeeze us all into the bathtub are over. We tried it was BARELY doable. (pardon the pun;)

Brenna is very aware about mama's modesty but confused about her own.
I confess that after a 3 mile run in a house without a good air conditioner, it is difficult to be modest. Brenna always reminds me. She helps me pull down my shirt so that my middle is covered. I promise in the privacy of my home it is purely to cool down. After twins my belly is frightening and will not be revealed to others willingly.
Yet, on the flip side. She does not understand why the boys at the waterpark get to take off their shirts and she has to wear hers. She also comes back from the bathroom with her tushy uncovered, no matter who is in the room.
I know that I MUST be the perfect example starting now...before she turns into a teenager. I am glad she is the modest police for me but I have to work on keeping her covered in public.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
On our way to Crescent Lake a few weeks ago the OD light began to blink. Shane had me read in the manual which only brought doom and gloom for news. Near the end of the trip the truck was shifting really hard and late. We just hoped to make it home after our vacation.
We brought it to a repair shop which I will not reveal unless pressed. The owner did the diagnostics and said "It is toast and undrivable. It needs a new transmission immediately". What? The previous owner had just put in a new transmission about 20,000 miles ago.
I felt so uneasy. The $3000.00 fee that he wanted to charge us was not a worry. We have the money set aside for times like this. I just could not escape my doubts. I also have a friend of a friend who worked at this place and I don't think that the owner is the most wholesome of men. I drove Shane crazy with requests for a second opinion. The owner gave him the error code and Shane finally agreed to call a few places for more opinions.
Before bed one night he got a brilliant idea. He entered the error code into the all wise Google. Google's advice. Unplug the battery for a few minutes then reconnect. What?!! But if it happens again the transmission needs to get repaired.
It worked!!! I was so upset that Mr. Owner did not offer that as an option. Thank you Google, I will consider you first in the future. Sorry Mr. lost my trust and business.
***After Shane read this he says that I am very naive...I cannot argue with that.
We brought it to a repair shop which I will not reveal unless pressed. The owner did the diagnostics and said "It is toast and undrivable. It needs a new transmission immediately". What? The previous owner had just put in a new transmission about 20,000 miles ago.
I felt so uneasy. The $3000.00 fee that he wanted to charge us was not a worry. We have the money set aside for times like this. I just could not escape my doubts. I also have a friend of a friend who worked at this place and I don't think that the owner is the most wholesome of men. I drove Shane crazy with requests for a second opinion. The owner gave him the error code and Shane finally agreed to call a few places for more opinions.
Before bed one night he got a brilliant idea. He entered the error code into the all wise Google. Google's advice. Unplug the battery for a few minutes then reconnect. What?!! But if it happens again the transmission needs to get repaired.
It worked!!! I was so upset that Mr. Owner did not offer that as an option. Thank you Google, I will consider you first in the future. Sorry Mr. lost my trust and business.
***After Shane read this he says that I am very naive...I cannot argue with that.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The first year that we cooked ribs for the cook off, Shane and I spent HOURS researching the rub, and cooking techniques. We spent hours in front of a hot grill trying to maintain the perfect temperature according to the literature. That year we lost. Turns out that our judges like the sauces better then the least that is what I tell myself.
The second year we went the sauce route. It was actually a rub that marinated and then a sauce at the end. I got the recipe from my favorite Iron Chef Bobby Flay. As I added the ODD ingredients together I was afraid to serve it. Turns out Bobby Flay is an Iron Chef for a reason. I WON!!!I spent the good part of the afternoon over Josh's shoulder as he decorated winner apron. I was SOO HAPPY that I got it.
This year was a little more complicated. Shane gave me a few days warning. I researched online and found a recipe that I thought would do the trick...but...Shane worked all day and my morning got away from me. By the time that I got to the store to buy ribs I was afraid that I would not have enough time to cook them. Oh well, I will just save the recipe for another day and buy these prepackaged, marinaded, precooked Tony Roma ribs from Fred Meyer. With Shane in the EQ presidency I felt that I had a duty to make sure enough ribs arrived to feed everyone.
The ribs took 20 minutes to cook in the oven. As I brought them out to the serving table another gentlemen brought out his smoked, ingeniously seasoned ribs (which I have had before, and salivate over). His beef fullback ribs made my baby back ribs look like slop. Oh well, I wasn't competing anyway but I will not let anyone know which ones are mine because I am embarrassed. I got lost in the party but then they announced the winner. It was ME!!!
I feel guilty...but not guilty enough to return my winnings ;).
The second year we went the sauce route. It was actually a rub that marinated and then a sauce at the end. I got the recipe from my favorite Iron Chef Bobby Flay. As I added the ODD ingredients together I was afraid to serve it. Turns out Bobby Flay is an Iron Chef for a reason. I WON!!!I spent the good part of the afternoon over Josh's shoulder as he decorated winner apron. I was SOO HAPPY that I got it.
This year was a little more complicated. Shane gave me a few days warning. I researched online and found a recipe that I thought would do the trick...but...Shane worked all day and my morning got away from me. By the time that I got to the store to buy ribs I was afraid that I would not have enough time to cook them. Oh well, I will just save the recipe for another day and buy these prepackaged, marinaded, precooked Tony Roma ribs from Fred Meyer. With Shane in the EQ presidency I felt that I had a duty to make sure enough ribs arrived to feed everyone.
The ribs took 20 minutes to cook in the oven. As I brought them out to the serving table another gentlemen brought out his smoked, ingeniously seasoned ribs (which I have had before, and salivate over). His beef fullback ribs made my baby back ribs look like slop. Oh well, I wasn't competing anyway but I will not let anyone know which ones are mine because I am embarrassed. I got lost in the party but then they announced the winner. It was ME!!!
I feel guilty...but not guilty enough to return my winnings ;).
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It all began around flu season last year. There was the big H1N1 scare and I refused the vaccine but I was determined to not get the flu. I researched online and found that fresh garlic is GOOD for you. I began eating I clove a day. It only lasted a few days because my husband would not come near me due to the smell.
The problem was that I wanted all the benefits and heard that it was less beneficial if cooked. I would make a piece of toast and squeeze the garlic onto it and eat it. I actually enjoyed it. It was not bad.
I would then brush, floss, and rinse my mouth multiple times before my husband got home. It never failed that as soon as he walked past me he would ask me if something smelled. I could not trick I gave it up...until yesterday.
I was cooking breakfast and noticed the clove sitting there. I thought that it I grilled it up with breakfast he would not notice. Last night after the kids were in bed he kept asking what I ate today. I could not remember anything that would leave a lasting effect...then it came to me.
It is soo good for you but my husband cannot tolerate it. I heard of a man in the ward that daily eats a concoction of garlic, cayenne pepper, and cod liver oil. His wife eventually got used to it. Will mine?

Instant oatmeal: It is a staple in our house. Brenna has had it for 1-2 meals a day (3 if she can push it) for about a year now. The brothers have learned to love it too. It is the ONLY thing that Landon is guaranteed to finish. We even buy the cheap brand and they devourer it. They do not like it hot, just 20 seconds in the microwave before serving. It is a LIFESAVER.
Spaghetti: Shane's nemesis. When he was small he would "rather die" than eat spaghetti. A few days prior to his mission he decided he would man up and try it again. He found that he actually liked it but the child in him still cringes whenever it is served. I LOVE spaghetti. It is another meal that I can serve for dinner and then for leftovers and my children will eat it every time.
Sandwiches: Kids are funny sometimes. For a few weeks they wanted nothing but PB&J sandwiches but now...they will not touch them with a ten foot pole, no matter how hungry they are.
Salad: Brenna goes crazy and eats all my salad off my plate. The babies cant get enough either. Perhaps it is because during the past year of house arrest, I was unable to get out and get fresh produce often, so now it is a specialty to them.
Milk: I would have to estimate that they go through a gallon of milk a day. I know it is a problem. Sometimes it is all that they babies want. They went 14 months on mainly breast milk and nothing else. They are addicted.

I NEVER get moments to think seriously or accomplish any task during the waking hours of my children. As Primary Secretary the presidency can attest to that. I have suggestions offered continuously to fix typos. If I do experience a moment to myself I always think, "I have the best babies. They are so good and play nicely by themselves!!!". It is right after that thought that I realize it was silent because...
They were pooping and now I have 2 diapers to change.
They got some of Brenna's food and now it is all over them and the floor.
They are playing in the toilet or tub and are now wet.
Jackson has found either the toilet paper or paper towels.
My quick moments to myself are not worth the effort it takes to clean up the mess.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I go through phases of cooking. They seem to correspond with the phases of my life. We are either living off cereal and sandwiches, or I am whipping up a new recipe a few times a week.
I love finding new recipes to cook. I like having more options on dinner choices in my file. B
I love finding new recipes to cook. I like having more options on dinner choices in my file. B
One night Shane had a dream that a seasoned detective of our acquaintance was sitting on his pillow (yeah, weird) and talking to him about how the force needed him and he would do well at it. Later that week the same person came to us at a church function and talked to him about it (yeah, weird). Ever since then he has done ride-a-longs and research and has decided that he would LOVE it.
He is interviewing right now and doing amazing at it. He is very genuine, charismatic, and honest which have led to positive feedback during the process. Not to mention, he has not done anything deceptive or wrong in his entire life. He is one of the few people that actually do not have any skeletons in his closet.
He is constantly working to make his body and mind stronger to help him be better in the position. He takes tests online of police related material, researches the agencies, works on spelling and grammar (in which he lacks sorely).
I am very proud and supportive of his decision. Do I want him going into this line of work? Yes and No. There are of course many dangers with this position. It also puts him in an environment everyday with the sick of the world. I am thrilled that he has found a career, other than flying, that he finds a passion and sees himself being part of forever. We will see where the interviews lead but we are excited.
He is interviewing right now and doing amazing at it. He is very genuine, charismatic, and honest which have led to positive feedback during the process. Not to mention, he has not done anything deceptive or wrong in his entire life. He is one of the few people that actually do not have any skeletons in his closet.
He is constantly working to make his body and mind stronger to help him be better in the position. He takes tests online of police related material, researches the agencies, works on spelling and grammar (in which he lacks sorely).
I am very proud and supportive of his decision. Do I want him going into this line of work? Yes and No. There are of course many dangers with this position. It also puts him in an environment everyday with the sick of the world. I am thrilled that he has found a career, other than flying, that he finds a passion and sees himself being part of forever. We will see where the interviews lead but we are excited.

This is a nickname that I am able to forget but reminded of by Dawn's Shane every time I see him. It was not given to me because I was liberal with my kisses in my many of you are thinking. It was given to me for the opposite reason. For my first year of life I was too shy and would not give my dad kisses. Now I love them.
Landon is my sweetest heart. He is constantly giving me kisses unannounced and for no reason. I love when he leans over at church and smacks one on me.
With Jackson I have to beg...but he eventually gives in after looking bashful for a minute.
Brenna finds fun in avoiding my kisses. She hides her face until finally allowing me to plant one on her cheek. The only way that I get a kiss from her is if I trick her. I ask her to give me a kiss on the cheek and then turn my face as soon as she gets close, so that she gets it on the lips instead. She now holds my head tightly before giving me a kiss on the cheek to avoid missing.
***In the picture there is no denying that she is a girl. She even sleeps like one.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Noun/gender confusion. Jackson suddenly got very confused. All of the sudden I am "daddy" and grandma is "grandpa".
Spoon-feeding is something of the past. Jackson especially will NOT let me spoon feed him. I am back to clothes...and cleaning. Landon though often brings me his food to help him with the last half of the bites.
Brenna is smothering with her loves. She constantly wants my attention. In part it is a result of decreased "mommy time" because of vacations and other interruptions in routine.
Brenna sings hers ABC's constantly and to anyone and everyone. She still needs a little help with the letters but will NOT take any suggestions.
The brothers are bullies. They went from wimps, crying whenever Dallas came near them, to pushing him around if he gets within arms reach. I fear Dallas will always be bigger than them and will get them back in the end. Quantity of babies is overridden by the weight of the opponent. David and Goliath does not apply when Dallas plays Goliath.
Drawer locks on the inside of drawers and cabinets leave just a big enough gap for little hands to slither in and pull out their prey. I discovered this last night when I finished blow drying my hair I found well as the floor...covered with waterproof mascara.
Brenna developed a wind intolerance. One evening she would not come outside because it was "too windy", even though all the extended family and playmates were on the lawn. I think it bothers her to have her curls blowing around.

Last week all of Shane's immediate family went camping for a week on Crescent Lake. With 6 children under 6 years old? Yep we are CRAZY!!! It was a lot of fun. We took the boat with all the toys and a few tent trailers and lived it up. We spent most mornings full force on the boat but afternoon brought wind and rough waters which forced us to enjoy each others company on the beach.
We came back dirty, tan, sleep deprived, and not refreshed like a vacation should offer but we cannot wait to do it again.
There are a few lessons learned that I must document and review before doing this again.
Lakes=misquotes in swarms, which of course I prepared for but I learned a few things. Misquotes can bite though clothing; therefore the 6 misquote bites on my tushy that drove me insane. Repellent must be applied every 30 minutes for adequate relief. It leaves a sticky, filmy, smelly residue over your entire body. It also attracted dirt and cakes it on.
I still love hot things. I was born and raised under the Arizona sun and my body craves the heat. It is possible to sit too close to a campfire, and probably not the best example for your children as far as fire safety.
If sunscreen is not applied, the sun will find those small areas that are not yet tan and burn the life out of them. I.e. ears, top of forehead that is normally covered by styled hair. If you do not get sunscreen on every inch of those babies pail bodies the sun will find the areas you missed. Also you can get really tan lying on a beach all day.
I love wake boarding but no amount of pre-excersize will prevent muscle fatigue and weakness. Also the wake is not as scary as it looks, it is actually the fun part of being behind the boat.
Babies do not take very good naps if they are not in their beds at home. When you sleep in the same room as babies every tiny movement wakes you up and you don't good sleep either. Babies do well because they can find a lot of things to occupy their attention outside but when the distraction discontinues and they remember something that they want from their is a meltdown.
Our tent trailer is worth EVERY penny. It stores and transports all of our camping gear. Protects and keeps warm. Big enough for all of us...just priceless.
Bathing is necessary before bed especially when dirt is caked on...But you have to be creative to pull it off. One night was in an inflatable dingy...which we forgot to drain the water from and found a drown chipmunk in the morning. Another night we left a clear storage bin the the sun all day and then bathed each child in the water warmed by the sun.
Chipmunks are only fun for 5 minutes and then they are ANNOYING!!! They are not shy and steal food right off the table you are standing at. They are creative about what they want to destroy. No paper product or food not canned is exempt from their rummaging. We were not too upset when we found one had drown...awful to admit.
My babies do better on the boat. They are mild, and sit on your lap nicely. Sometimes we would take them on the boat just to get them to sleep. They are helpful and pull in the ski ropes.
My husband, his dad and his brothers are amazing in the skyski. They are entertaining to watch as they do backflips, skids, high jumps.
Crescent Lake is a great place to camp and boat. The water is overlooked by a ice covered mountain and delivers ice cold water into various part of the lake, yet the water is comfortable after the first run. The water is freshwater and clear. As you ski along you can see the bottom in various parts of the lake. You can also clearly see the foil of the skyski and the guys are doing tricks. It was not busy and we were able to have full reign of the entire lake. We camped and parked the boat right on the beach and pretty much had our own area of beach that few interrupted.
***This wake board picture is from when I was first learning, thus the helmet. After my biff last week I am strongly considering wearing it again.
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